Emergency Response & Business Continuity

What makes CYRworks more valuable than other Consulting Companies in advising an Emergency Response Plan or a Business Continuity Plan?

Unlike some Consulting Companies excelling at providing advice through junior Consultants with a bright academic mind but few (or none) substantial field experience, we proudly have more than 25 years of real business activity on Japan market. Strategy building, branding, sales development in retail and wholesale, business set up and corporate transformation, profitability turnaround, streamlining of organization and project management.
Also, as addressed in "More about us", Christophe Ranchoux is an ex-military officer having acted as a Combat Unit Leader (Platoon Leader and Company Commanding Officer). Certified with Commando Training (CEC) and Expert in Explosives (DMOE) from the famous Pioneers Corps, he has a deep experience of the field that we have reflected in the tools and strategies we developped for CYRworks to benefit our Clients and Partners.

CYRworks wants to make a difference and we propose services based on a tangible expertise of the Japanese market and of the potential risks inherent to a maximal level of disaster. We adapt our recommendations to your needs because we know what is at stake on your side and because we genuinely care to deliver according to your expectations.

How are set up your fees and costs?

The base of our "mission fees" and "package fees" are proposed in our category "Fees and costs".
Fees can vary on the size of the organization as it might require more time for the training (if split in groups), for the drills or for the establishment of an adapted plan (difficult location split on several floors or across separate buildings).
We offer split payment for missions that are longer than 3 months. We also offer special conditions related to "one time payment" or propose "ad-hoc promotions" sometimes...
For more details, please contact us.

We do not pretend to be the cheapest on the market but we are far to be the most expensive either. We simply strive to be the best at providing the most appropriate service in the interest of our Clients.
Kindly note that we do not propose any systematic discount because we value quality and satisfaction in service before anything else and we trust that a qualitative work shall be rewarded to its fair value.

What is the difference between the drills proposed by CYRworks and the regular evacuation drills done annually in most buildings and organizations in Japan?

Because the "yearly drills" organized in Buildings mostly aim at defining "general understanding" and simply "validating the emergency organization/plan set in place" from a legal obligation stand-point, drills as they are organized in Japan are unfortunately generally lacking realism. Their anuual frequency is set by Fire Safety Regulations and they are mostly done as "box ticking" more than a vision to recreate an emergency situation and deal with it in the most realistic (thus practical and efficient) manner. A drill shall not be a walk in the park, it is not a demonstration it is a simulation.
Our notion of drill is based on re-enacting most realistic scenarios to test the reactions of the participants and their proficiency to deliver and adpated reponse after we trained them.
Starting by the weather outside, a defined working situation, the number and type of casualties and up to cummulating issues during the evacuation (fire, quake replications, additional casualties, and so on), we test and assess the ability of the Team in place through all steps of the drill.
The drills results are based on the validity of the reactions of Leaders and Specialists roles, the efficiency of the overall organization and the timing of reaction according to different levels of complexity.
Drills are organized by sets and scaled from basic to complex, focusing on specific parts of the Emergency Response Team or on the overall and according to the Response plan and the organization in place. Assessment reports and recommendations are issued to identify the points of improvement.

Do you provide/sell goods related to emergency response?

No, but we provide recommendations along our trainings (or on demand) concerning items that we have thoroughly tested or that have been tested by professionals of our network.
Note that our recommendations are absolutely free of any influence or interest.

What is the difference between the trainings and the drills?

The training is the "theory". It is a guidance through educational tools and it provides the understanding and knowledge which are required to the practice.
The drill is the practical aspect related to the application of the knowledge earned through training. The drills are done according to scenarios retracing different situations which are set up to be as close as possible to a real event.
As an image, the training is the explanation of how some physical exercises will improve your strength and health. The drill will be the actual work out that will modify your body and improve your health.

Drilling is the only way to develop adapted reflexes and help to increase accuracy and speed in order to create proficiency in performing tasks under pressure.

What is the minimum and the maximum number of persons who can attend a training or a drill?

The trainings we propose can be done at individual level (from 1 person) up to a class of 50 persons. Note that the cost is quite high for a single participant, so we recommend to take the trainings and drills in group to share the cost and benefit from the energy of the other participants.
The drills require a minimum of 4~5 persons to provide enough possibilities and stimulate efficiency. We suggest groups of 5 to 20 people maximum for a drill in order to control and assess properly the development and the proficicency at all levels.

Is there any danger when we operate a drill?

No, a drill should not be dangerous (we are not drilling for combat), but it should be organized properly to simulate danger and create sufficient pressure on the participants of the drill while it remains perfectly safe.
The actual risk, which is often not understood and definitely underestimated, is to NOT drill, because any theoretical knowledge on disaster reponse loses its value if it is never put in practice (just like "knowing the rules of driving a car" will never actually make you a good and talented driver if you never get behind the steering wheel).
Drill is required mostly because the pressure and stress of an emergency situation will systematically cause panic and will wipe off most of the ability to put in application the knowledge of the training.
Drills aim at creating cool-headed reactions, appropriate reflexes through repetition and familiarization with unexpected situations.

What guarantee do you propose on your services?

CYRworks offers 4 guarantees:

1) We guarantee to deliver the most appropriate knowledge in a practical and understandable manner to anyone interested in learning about the subjects we present.
The contents of our trainings are revised and updated regularly, based on the latest knowledge available among professionals and based on documents released by Government entities and Authorities in the matter of Emergency Response (Fire Department, Police, CBRNE Special Units, and so on...).

2) We guarantee to create exercizes and drills re-enacting realistic situations and to train people to react properly when facing dangerous situations.

If participants can endure our stress-drills and stress-test up to completion of the cursus, they will be ready to face disrupting situations and react with proficiency by the time of their certification.

3) We guarantee to follow up on our achievements with our Clients on regular basis. Certifications offered by CYRworks have a validity term of 1~3 years (depending on the type of certification and subject). At the end of the validity term, we propose a catch up and a series of tests leading to a renewal of the certification for another term. This is our guarantee of quality and efficiency.

4) We propose a 100% refund on the analysis and stress test of an already existing Emergency Response Plan or Business Recovery Plan if we conclude that it is perfectly designed and perfectly efficient.
If our Client have done the job perfectly prior to our intervention, we are happy to congratulate them and won't take a yen from them.